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One in seven Monmouthshire children living in poverty
King Arms holds event to raise funds for Ukraine
Locals pay tribute to Ukraine
Community news
Abergavenny Rotary welcomes newest member
The view from The Commons: Monmouth MP David Davies writes...
Monmouthshire gives refuge to more than a dozen Afghans
Monmouthshire takes in more than a dozen Afghan refugees
Mercy delivery of fire appliances
Julian’s Tasty Tatoes collect for Turkey
Maryna and Vadym raise funds for Ukraine
First anniversary of invasion of Ukraine
Record Shell profits could pay every Monmouthshire employee 24 times over
New year message from First Minister Mark Drakeford
Nobody receiving asylum support in Monmouthshire – as numbers jump across UK
Shoplifting increased in Gwent as cost of living rose even further
Cost-of-living crisis: Monmouthshire wage growth outstrips inflation