NEIL Niblett was elected new Chairperson of Monmouthshire Golf Club at their recent AGM.
Niblett has been a stalwart member of the club for many years and will bring a wealth of experience to the role.
This year’s Club Captain is Tony Jones. Chair of Greens is Anthony Phillips. Chair of House is Sian John. Chair of Marketing is Greg Shearman. The Senior Men have a new Captain in Kelvin John with his vice Captain being Mel Sussex. The club wish all the new position holders a successful year.
Members of the Ladies Section turned out to watch incoming Captain, Mrs Jackie Williams take her Drive In.
The length of Jackie’s drive was guessed and Susan Hellyar was the closest.
Presentations for the Winter Eclectic competitions were made with the winners being Susan Hellyar and Maureen Jones.
Pictured are Captain Jackie Williams, Vice-Captain Sue Bradley and the Monmouthshire Ladies.