Last week I spent a few days exhibiting at the NEC Birmingham at the Health and Well-Being Show. On talking to the manager it came to light that this was my eighth year at the show and it got me thinking, where does time go and what a difference time makes.

Eight years ago I would be at the show with a business colleague who used to help me out, we would be there to set up on the Monday then go out for dinner, usually with a glass of wine as we were staying local, we would then find ourselves chatting to very late evening knowing that we would have to get up early the next morning to be at the show for 8.15am.

On getting to the NEC we would spend the whole day walking around in heels, chatting with visitors to stand and mingling with the other exhibitors; we would attend a networking event (with a small wine added as it was complimentary) to go out for dinner and repeat the previous evening events. The next day we continued in our heels, packed up and drove home with me getting home around 9pm.

Now lets fast forward eight years. The same exhibition, the same scenario however things have changed slightly.

Fortunately, my lovely young assistant likes early nights which meant that on the two nights we would have an early dinner (pre 7pm) with soft drinks and be back in our rooms by 8pm. I admit for me it was lights out and asleep my 10.30pm knowing I had to be up early the next mornings. My high heeled shoes have been replaced by trainers (albeit fashionable ones), suits have remained in the wardrobe back home so that smart, casual could rule the day and the packing up routine is much quicker as we take less ‘stuff’.

As I pulled up on the drive at 7pm I realised that over the eight years I have indeed made life simpler, I wasn’t as tired, my feet didn’t hurt as much and I was contented with a good two days’ work.

They say that in life ‘experience comes before the lesson’ and I would add to that ‘time can also be a great teacher’. As we travel through life, we hardly ever value the learnings that can come with experience and time as they are occurring however, I believe that all of us should sometimes take stock to do just that and really embrace the moment we are in. Looking back, I loved the time eight years ago too however as time has passed it has taught me that the simpler you make it the less stressful and tiring life is.

Eight years ago I wouldn’t have believed that I would be drinking soda and lime with my dinner, preferring then a glass of wine, if you had told me I would be swapping my heals for trainers I would have laughed and if many years ago you’d have suggested I was back in the hotel room by 8pm I truly would think you were talking about someone else.

So, the lesson is to make sure that wherever you are in this moment in time embrace it, be grateful for the lessons as you are being shown them, hold on to the fact that today heels may rule the day but with time brings age and with age comes trainers!