Members of Abergavenny Rotary Club celebrated their annual President’s Handover at a lunch in the Glangwryney Village Hall on Sunday, June 25.
The outgoing President, Mr Robert Parker, welcomed guests before thanking members for their trust in him over the past year.
“It has been a real privilege and an honour to serve the Club in this way and I have thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it”, said Robert. He went on to reflect upon some of the highlights of his year of office, including a very successful Steam Rally over the Spring Bank Holiday in May 2023, which raised a record amount of funds for worthy causes.
The Club innovated this year by holding Rotary Drop-In meetings in various venues throughout town, allowing Rotarians to meet and engage with members of local clubs, schools, and societies in a more informal setting rather than the formal meetings and meals that are usually held in the Monmouthshire Golf Club.
“Through this initiative, the Club has laid some sound foundations for an annual event, which I am sure will go from strength to strength”, continued Robert.
The innovation and drive Robert has brought to the Rotary Club has put the newest President, Dean Christy in good stead for the future.
Dean Christy said: “It is both my pleasure and honour to be installed President of this fantastic club for the second time in three years. The first was during lockdown when all but three club meetings were remote, but thanks to technology and the commitment of the members not only did the club continue uninterrupted but it also achieved a great deal”.
One of Dean’s priorities during his time is to maintain the close relations the Rotary Club has forged over the course of the year with Abergavenny Town Council as well as other organisations and communities, such as the Veterans Breakfast Club, Womens Institute and Ukrainian Refugees.
Speaking directly to his personal guests, Cllr Anne Wilde and her consort Cllr Gareth Wilde, Dean said: “I am committed during my Presidency to work closely with you on projects that will benefit those in need, both locally and further afield in third world sectors. As Rotarians we are in the privileged position of being able to make a difference”.
Dean set out his objectives for the year which included the implementation of the recommendations from the Club’s strategic review carried out in 2022-23, continuing to promote diversity and increase membership, extending fund raising activities, and expanding our activities to support those in need both locally and on the international front.