THE Friends of Castle Meadows group is canvassing for suggestions for the future use of the site.

A replacement bridge is due to be built over the River Gavenny in March.

The management of the site is being overseen by the Bryn-y-Cwm Castle Meadows Task and Finish Group which has adopted a green infrastructure approach to the meadows which it is extending into neighbouring areas.

The aim is to ensure that a strategic approach is adopted - with community involvement and consideration for conservation, landscape and heritage issues.

The Friends group was formed in August 2011 out of recognition of the need for regular maintenance to be undertaken to control the growth of invasive plants.

Giant hogweed grows up to six metres tall and dominates vegetation and crowds out native plants. Japanese knotweed is one of the most pernicious weeds in the UK and reproduces from the tiniest of fragments. Himalayan balsam spreads quickly by projecting its seeds up to four metres.

All three invasive plants can commonly be found along riverbanks and streams.

A spokeswoman for the group said that when the new bridge is installed a network of paths will be needed to connect the bridge with the Usk river bank.

The group is also hoping to install a network of signage and information boards depicting the history and other aspects of Castle Meadows.

The spokeswoman added that they have various projects in mind, but wanted the town to take ownership of the direction in which they would like the meadows to be taken and with this in mind members have devised a survey to see how other local people regard the area.

"We hope the series of questions we have come up with will allow us to plan the way ahead for the Castle Meadows.

To take part in the Castle Meadows Survey pick up this week's edition of The Abergavenny Chronicle