This week saw the controversial news that the Brecon Beacons is officially being rebranded as the "Bannau Brycheiniog", in response to the urgent need for a new way of being amid the climate and biodiversity emergency.

The decision has sent shockwaves throughout the country and sparked debate across a variety of platforms. Leader of the MCC, Cllr Mary Ann Brocklesby argued that the name change was a positive way of maintaining Welsh culture, stating: "It’s wonderful to see Bannau Brycheiniog being reclaimed as the official name of our local National Park.

"This is an important step in promoting our Welsh heritage and keeping the language alive."

Meanwhile, others such as Peter Fox MS have questioned the necessity and whether it will be utilised amongst locals. He said: "Like any other popular vicinity, efforts should be directed at introducing measures to attract an even greater number of people.

"However, I fear that the proposed rebranding exercise will have an adverse effect, causing confusion rather than strengthen this prestigious area. I certainly doubt that the rebranding plan is a top priority for locals.”

We at The Chronicle held our own poll asking readers if they liked the change or found it to be a massive waste of time and the results show that while 32% supported the change, 62% disagreed and the remaining 5% did not care.

This got us thinking about all the other name changes and rebrands in the past, and whether or not we use them.

Many of us might use the original name out of force of habit or simply because of our generation. Otherwise, various changes have become commonplace, to the point where we may not remember any different!

So we have compiled a series of name changes below - show what you use or comment on our social media with any we may have forgotten.

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