The Black Rock lave net heritage fishery’s new season is fast approaching with the first fishable tide on June 6.

This traditional salmon fishery is now the last of its type left on the Welsh region of the severn estuary.

The fishermen fish in the shadow of the second severn crossing at the point of the second greatest tidal range in the world.

These days the fishery is not just about fishing, the fishermen invite the public to watch the fishing from the safety of the beautiful picnic site at Black Rock, Portskewett. This vantage point gives panoramic views of the Severn estuary.

Preparations for the new season are well under way with boat and net repairs in full swing. (The lave nets are all hand made by the fishermen.)

The fishermen fish under stringent restrictions forged by the Welsh Assembly government and agreed by the Environment agency to be sustainable. The fishery is restricted to a maximum of five salmon per month for the group during the three month season.

The fishermen continually strive to improve the fishery and a recent addition is the upgrade of the web site which carries a blog keeping the public up to date with the

fishing year.