I am writing about the poor facilities of equal access for those with disabilities at the Borough Theatre.

I wonder how many people realise that disabled theatre goers, with battery operated mobility scooters, are no longer allowed to use the large lift onto the theatre level because their batteries might be a fire hazard?

When I accompanied a friend last week to see a play, we were told that the lift could be accessed via the Tourist Information Office, which meant an escort from the theatre.

Consequently, my friend had to leave her mobility scooter in the office and use her crutches to access the lift in order to get to the second floor; she was in considerable discomfort in doing so.

It was then quite a distance across the bar area to reach the auditorium to find our seats. Additionally, there was no hand rail which made it more difficult for my friend.

The Borough Theatre, recently refurbished, is the only theatre, she told me, where there are these problems of disabled access.

I guess the plan with the refurbishment was to enable equal access for people with disabilities but sadly this has not happened; my friend feels that she is unable to use the Borough Theatre in the future as her experience so far is one of exclusion and humiliation.