Prince William, the Prince of Wales, has presented an MBE to former Labour MP Huw Edwards for services to music and charity with Monmouth Male Voice Choir at the recent investiture at Windsor Castle.  

Mr Edwards said it was an immense honour to meet Prince William and discuss the role of the choir in promoting the Welsh choral tradition. 

 “His Royal Highness was interested to hear about the choir's success and how we have twice performed at the Royal Albert Hall and on the pitch before Wales rugby internationals. He asked about singing for charity and I was able to inform that in recent months we have sung for Parkinson's and Crohn's Disease and also also for local churches and village halls. I expressed the hope that if he and the Princess were to visit Monmouth, the choir would be honoured to perform for them,” said Huw. 

The choir was formed in 2012 by well  known actor and musician Aneirin Hughes who was the first musical director. Huw who was the former Labour MP for Monmouth was chairman for the first ten years and now acts as an ambassador the for choir. At the last rehearsal he showed the MBE to choir members to thank them and the choir's friends and supporters for the contribution they have all made and all that the choir continues to achieve under their superb musical director Lewis Hutton. 

 “It was a privilege to be among so many people being recognised  for their services to public life and a wonderful day for us a family. This is an honour for all the choir members and all they do to promote Welsh music and the male voice tradition in this area of Wales,” he added.

Mr Edwards was first elected as Monmouth's MP at a by-election in May 1991, but lost the seat at the 1992 general election. He won it again in the 1997 and 2001 elections famously battling Tory contender Roger Evans. Mr Edwards lost the seat again in the 2005 election to current Monmouth MP David Davies.