Former Gwent Police officer Joseph Cook was dismissed at an accelerated hearing on Tuesday 23 May for behaviour amounting to gross misconduct.

An accelerated hearing has found that a former police officer would have been dismissed for conduct amounting to gross misconduct had he remained in post.

The public hearing, held on Tuesday 23 May, found Joseph Cook breached standards of professional behaviour on two occasions, namely standard two – authority, respect and courtesy – and standard nine – discreditable conduct.

The allegations against the former officer occurred while he was off duty in Cardiff last June.

Chief Constable Pam Kelly, who chaired the panel, said: 

“The allegations against Joseph Cook, a former officer, were found proven following indisputable evidence against him.

“The communities of Gwent deserve the absolute best from our officers.

“We will continue to send a clear message to colleagues and the public that this behaviour has no place on our service, and we will pursue and remove those who damage confidence in Gwent Police.

“This former officer’s behaviour fell far below what I expect from our officers. His name will now be placed on the list of barred officers preventing him from working as an officer in future.”

The former officer resigned from his position in May and did attend the accelerated hearing in person.

He will be placed on the College of Policing’s barred list in due course.