STAFF at a first-of-its-kind integrated health and social care facility in Monmouth have been singing its praises, with one team leader even putting retirement on hold for more than a year – such was her love of the job.

Monnow Vale Integrated Health and Social Care Facility is a hospital at Drybridge Park in Monmouth.

The facility is unique in that it is run in partnership between the Aneurin Bevan University Health Board and Monmouthshire County Council.

This centre is the first of its kind in Wales, providing services as wide-reaching as Care-at-Home, Memory Assessment, Reablement, Social Work, District Nursing, Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy, Trefynwy Ward.

Helen Bevan, District Nurse Team Leader working for the Monmouth District Nursing Team, said: “It’s one of the best jobs I’ve had.

“I could’ve retired 18 months ago and haven’t because I enjoy coming to work every day.

“It’s such a beautiful place to work. I love the countryside and I’ve got an amazing district nursing team.”

The love of the Monnow Vale environment extends through all departments at the hospital.

Catheryn Edwards explained that she had worked in the catering department for 18 years.

“It’s hard work,” she said, “but you enjoy it.”

Emily, an occupational therapist at Monnow Vale, said: “What I love most about working at Monnow Vale is the flexibility and being out and about in the community and the fact that everyone’s based in one building and we’re really integrated.”

Cllr. Ian Chandler, Cabinet Member for Social Care, Safeguarding and Accessible Health Services, said: “With Monmouth town centre a short walk away, as well a nature parks and an on-site café, Monnow Vale could be the perfect choice for someone looking to further their healthcare career or find something different.

“The team at Monnow Vale is welcoming and knowledgeable, and I am sure that successful applicants will be singing Monnow Vale’s praises too before long.”

To find out more about joining the team at Monnow Vale, visit Monnow Vale Jobs - Monmouthshire.