AMATEUR theatre was celebrated in style at Abergavenny’s Angel Hotel on Saturday night when he A4B awards returned for the first time since the pandemic.
Over the past year a team of judges have been attending performances by local amateur companies at Abergavenny’s Borough Theatre as part of the award scheme operated by A4B - the umbrella group representing the amateur companies based at the local venue.
Speaking at the event A4B chairman Liz Davies, praised the standard of productions at the Borough Theatre and stressed the importance of local companies working together, especially in light of increasing cuts in the arts.
“That we stand strong is more important than ever because we’re not doing it for those of us sitting here tonight...we’re doing it for those youngsters who are starting their careers on the amateur stage... and I think making sure there’s a Borough Theatre stage there for them to star on is a fight worth fighting,” said Liz.
In addition to the acting awards presented during the evening, the winner of the Bernard Zavishlock Award which recognises outstanding contribution in amateur theatre was announced as performer and musical director Sarah Fowler

Award winners
Best supporting performer under 18 Olivia O'Gorman - The Wizard of OzThe Barrie Jackson Award for Best male performer under 18
Robert Lewis - The Wizard of Oz

The Ken William Award for best female performer under 19
Delilah Iris Jones - The Wizard of Oz

The Judges’ award
Janine Davies, Rachel Beck, Becca Roberts - Farndale Macbeth

Best supporting actress over 18
Michelle Cooper - Carousel
Best supporting actor over 18
Joe Pugh - Dick Whittington

Best actress over 18
Falesha Lewis - The Hunchback of Notre Dame

Best actor over 18
Luke Williams - Hunchback of Notre Dame

Best Production of 2024
The Hunchback of Notre Dame