A project to bring disabled access to Abergavenny train station has moved to the next stage following submission of planning applications.

The scheme will see significant investment in the town’s railway with the installation of a brand-new fully accessible footbridge and lifts that will link platforms one and two.

It is hoped the accessibility improvement works will help to promote the use of the rail network by reducing carbon emissions and reliance on car journeys.

Network Rail has made two applications to Monmouthshire County Council for listed building consent and prior approval. 

If granted – and subject to further funding being awarded by the Department for Transport’s Access for All programme – the aim is to start construction on site in autumn 2023.

Local County Councillor Maureen Powell has been at the forefront of the campaign to provide an obstacle free and accessible route to and between platforms for many years.

“I am pleased to have received this latest update and will be giving my stamp of approval to the planning applications,” she said.

“I very much look forward to seeing the project come to fruition, which is the goal we have all been working towards.”

 Monmouth MP David Davies, who has attended numerous briefing sessions to talk through the plans with Network Rail, said he hoped works are given the green light swiftly and without any delay.

“I want to pay particular tribute to Maureen Powell who launched the campaign for better access at the station some years ago,” added Mr Davies.

“Since then, she has chased us all at various meetings and got Network Rail and Transport for Wales down to the station to see the problems for themselves.

“I have been in touch with the Department for Transport to emphasise the importance of this scheme to Abergavenny and I hope further funding is approved to allow the project to progress.”

A spokesperson said Network Rail is committed to sharing its plans with the local community and will be arranging a drop-in session well in advance of starting construction.