Recently I have found myself sounding like my parents and saying ‘they don’t make them like that anymore’, do you recognise yourself there too?
I guess it is a generational thing however I believe it to be true. My ‘they don’t make them like that anymore’ presently comes from listening to Christmas songs, not just carols but songs like; I Wish it Could be Christmas Every Day, Merry Christmas Everybody, Last Christmas, Do They Know it’s Christmas and the list goes on.
I have to say the minute I walk into a shop and hear these songs being played it puts me in the Christmas mood, they are however getting earlier and earlier, that’s not how it used to be either, personally I start to play them in my car from December 1 when for me is the real start of Christmas.
The songs aren’t the only things that aren’t the same, blimey I am sounding old (er), there are few other things that seemly have changed not always for the better. Here are some that for me need to change back:
Advent calendars, now I remember them before they had chocolate in however while I am not craving to do that as I do like my daily chocolate fix the problem is with it is the difficulty I have getting into it, the perforations are basically a waste of time and as for the the size of the chocolate behind the window, well it leaves me craving more! Now I know they are meant for children and it is right not to encourage them to eat too many sweet products however come on manufacturers the size of the chocolate needs reviewing!

Next, those famous tubs of chocolates, if we are supposed to be using less plastic why are the famous names of the likes of Quality Street, Roses etc. now in plastic containers? Bring back the tins please, not sure why but tins just seem to say Christmas like the good ole days!
Selection Boxes, these used to be a real treat and filled with your favourite chocolate, they were large enough to look like a proper pressie whereas all the ones I see these days are small and I have to say again wrapped in the dreaded plastic, bring back the larger cardboard version I say.
Town Centres, these used to be filled with the shops you needed to buy those Christmas presents however now these shops are either in an out-of-town retail park which means further to travel or online. I don’t mind either but don’t always have time to travel further and if buying clothing prefer to see and feel the product which is difficult online. Please bring back some bigger names to our local high streets I say.
Blimey this week’s column makes me sound like a bit of Scrooge of Christmas Past however I’m really not, I love all things Christmas even the above and I am thrilled that the songs have stood the test of time so the youth of today get to enjoy them too. I am grateful that the tradition of the selection box and tubs of chocs have survived but for me bring back them back in their old form.
Here endith my Christmas Scrooge of Christmas past, be sure to check into my next column to see all the new traditions of Christmas that I love when I become the Scrooge of Christmas Present.