HERE’S a little splash and dash of glorious colour to take that dark and brooding scowl off your face on this damp and dismal March day.
It’s Abergavenny’s very own Bailey Park alive, vibrant, and dancing with the joys of early Spring and the intoxication of high Summer. Or at least the walls where the old swimming pool used to be are, thanks to some gloriously fine mural art.
The paintings have livened up perhaps the most desolate area of the old park, and their artistic punch and panache have soothed the temperament of many an ill-tempered dog walker.
As is customary in the UK, the lazy mare that is Spring has once again abjectly failed to get out of bed on time, leaving old man Winter to overstay his welcome.
Yet when she finally does awake, stretch, and yawn, the sun will shine, the flowers will bloom, the birds will sing, the grass will grow and all will be well on this little island of ours, at least until the next system of low-pressure moves in.
In the meantime, while you’re busy huddled around the fire and cursing the elements for their miserable and hunched disposition, here’s something a little more reminiscent of a more gentle and refined season for you to gaze upon.
Isn’t it lovely!

It was created by local artist Danielle Farrington at the behest of the Abergavenny Civic Society.
Of course, years ago, before the brutality of a British Winter stripped it clean like a vulture picking a corpse, there was another eye-catching mural on the top wall in the same neglected area of the park.
In tribute to the little corner of Aber where so many people spent lazy summer days splashing about in chlorinated water, the Forgotten Abergavenny group and a few others commissioned a mural honouring the old pool and the town in general.
Yet time and neglect have seen the wall revert to becoming an eye-sore in need of a little creative endeavour.
A spellbound passer-by barked at the Chronicle, "Those murals are probably the only Summer we'll see this year!"