The Friends of Bailey Park volunteers have thanked Abergavenny Garden Centre after they donated plants to replace those stolen from the park recently.

In last week’s Chronicle we reported that someone had been stealing highly cherished and expensive plants from the flower gardens in Bailey Park.

Friends of Bailey Park and Mayor Tudor Thomas were just some of the many people to express their sadness and anger at the thefts that were reported to Gwent Police.

After hearing the news staff at Abergavenny Garden Centre contacted the Friends of Bailey Park and kindly offered to donate replacement plants to the gardens.

In a statement posted on their Facebook page, Friends of Bailey Park said: “On behalf of all the volunteers in Bailey Park I would like to say a huge thank you to Gavin and his team at the Abergavenny Garden Centre for the generous donation of replacement plants for those we recently lost through theft.

“It is a wonderful gesture, and it has really cheered us up after the initial shock of finding plants gone. This isn’t the first time we have been provided with plants from the Garden Centre and we really appreciate their involvement with Bailey Park.

“I would also like to thank all the kind residents of Abergavenny who were so supportive when I first posted about the thefts. Good can come out of bad, and we look forward to seeing you all in the Spring when colour comes back to Bailey Park.”

Many local residents joined the Friends of Bailey Park group in expressing their gratitude to the Garden Centre for their support, including Mayor Tudor Thomas who thanked staff for their “kind and generous offer”.