The spookiest night of the year is nearly here, and a frightening amount of waste is created, but it doesn’t have to be this way. 

Get creative with Halloween costumes: by making your own ghost gown from old bed sheets. Revamp old outfits from previous years and reuse costumes from charity shops instead of buying new ones.

Welcoming trick or treaters at your door? Offer them treats such as apples, tangerines, biscuits or cake without the wrapping, so less litter gets dropped in the street.

Pumpkin carving? Use the pulp leftovers to make a tasty soup. Then, when the fun’s all done, remember to put the remains in your food waste recycling bin, which is collected every week.

Monmouthshire County Council Cabinet Member for Climate Change and the Environment, Cllr. Catrin Maby, said: “As Halloween approaches, we can all do our part to reduce waste in our county. Reuse your pumpkins for a heart-warming family meal. And remember, when Halloween is over, what is left of your pumpkin can be placed in the food waste bin.”